Monday, 29 April 2019

week 10

Hello and welcome back everyone. It’s week 9 already and i have a few more weeks to go for this semester. I hope everyone is still following this blog. Today I learned a new topic which is Instructional Design. Instructional Design is creating instructional experiences which make the way of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing. It consists of figuring out the needs of the learner, defining the learning objectives, and creating some intervention to achieve objectives. 

Do you still remember CALL? Instructional Design also used in CALL by creating computer courseware for learning where courseware acts as supplement or support to lesson and not as complete replace and can be designed for use inside and outside of lesson.
There is framework for the development of instructional coursework which is known as ADDIE model. The acronym ADDIE stands for
Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation
Plus, there are other model too such as GAGNE 9 events, Dick and Carey, Rapid Prototyping , Guaranteed Learning, ASSURE and ARCS Model with different type of approaches and style.

There you go, people. Will catch you soon on the next post! Byee~~

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